Trading cards are fun to collect. For some it’s entertainment. For others, it’s an escape from the workweek. For the Fried Family, it’s different. Warren Fried has two children Aiden and Noa. The benefit they receive from card collecting is something I’d never heard about before. Noa has dyspraxia, and it hits her in a different way.
“The old Topps holographic cards provide sensory headaches as each image is broken up. It would affect my son who has Dyspraxia,” Fried explained. “To emphasize the Sensory concerns, the kids will literally start shaking…. when a card is 3d. They even smell cards that feel that glossy.”

Warren’s dream is to get his kids a tour of a card manufacturer’s facilities. The kids want to see how cards are made. This would be a fun and educational trip, but that will cost money the family from Illinois doesn’t have. They must fly out to the west coast. This is where the collecting community comes in.
With this Go Fund Me account. You can help the Fried family reach their goal of $5,000. The tour is all set, and now they just need the money to get flights, transportation, meals, and hotel.
If you put yourself in their shoes, they’re trying to fulfill a wish of their twins, who love collecting cards. It’s a passion for them, and this could really be a big highlight in their young lives.
Give what you can. Think of it as donating a pack of cards. If enough people can do that, they will reach their goal in the next 14 days.

This trip could be therapeutic for Noa. Picture cards and drawings are common therapy materials. Noa doesn’t collect to get rich. She just loves it, and it brings her joy. A different kind of joy that most of us experience. The kids are gaining confidence through the art of collecting.
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