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The Mets Winning Culture Has Returned to Queens

The Wilpons were afraid of knowledge that didn’t align with theirs. This lasted for 22 years. Every once in a while you could hear the frustration in his voice when he was on a broadcast. Hernandez knows hitting. Every Mets fan thought he should talk to players and fix what

The Modern Era Hall Panel Whiffs on Ted Simmons

Ted Simmons needed 12 votes to be inducted and he got 11. He played fewer seasons than Carlton Fisk and had more RBI and was a better hitter. He didn’t have the power and Fisk was better behind the plate but Simmons has a place in baseball history. The eight-time All-Star

The Ultimate Russ Cohen Resource Center

For those of you who ask me where to buy my book? Here are the titles and where you can get them. 100 Ranger Greats - This is currently out of print. But you can find it. Barnes and Noble has a great out of print section as well. Philadelphia Flyers - Images
