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Habs Mistakes Cost Them Dearly

The Canadiens had perhaps their worst start of the playoffs in this Game 3 but two things prevented it from being an unmitigated disaster, the timely timeout taken by Ducharme and the unwavering support of the crowd. Unlike in Vegas when the Habs took the lead over the locals, the Bell Centre crowd only got louder, chanting Price's name and letting him know they believed in him before launching into a "Go Habs Go" for the ages. Montreal finished the

Well Coached Lightning Make a Statement

Tampa - - The Tampa Bay Lightning beat down the Montreal Canadiens 5-1 in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final. Nikita Kucherov, who had an injury last series seems completely over it! He had two goals and an assist. “We have a system. A plan and we stick to it.
