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Hilary Knight Has a Busy Month Ahead of Her

Red Bull did a great “day in the life” video of Hilary Knight during the NWHL regular season (located at the bottom of the article).

“The first season has been awesome. To be able to interact with fans and play hockey and just to live life as a professional hockey player has been pretty cool,” said Knight.

She used the word “professional” that’s important because the NWHL is paying their players. The CWHL doesn’t currently do that.

“It feels special. Not because of the dollar amount but because the dollar amount has put a marker where we’re starting and it’s a tangible thing that shows we’re getting paid x amount over the course of years as we progress,” Knight said with glee. “As this continues to grow and be more visible each player can be worth that much more. The league is going to be worth that much more. It’s really cool to be on the ground level of something like that and establish a starting mark.”

The NWHL has the Isobel Cup (named after Lord Stanley’s daughter). Its brand new. She and the rest The Boston Pride squad have a chance to be the first names on the trophy.

“To be honest we have to wipe the slate clean. It’s the second season. It’s starting 0-0. Coming into the game we want to put them through the glass and pound the _____(add your own expletive she stopped herself). So we can make it to the Isobel championship. Whatever needs to be done will be done. I’m confident in our group….It’s a special group to be a part of especially since we’re coming together at the right time.”

As far as marketing the league, they’ve done a nice job but there’s still work to do in increasing their fan base.

“It’s interesting. It’s a lot of dads with young daughters and even sons. You don’t necessarily see a lot of moms,’ she noted. “Its funny how dad is bring his son and daughter to the game. Now we have to figure out how to get mom in the stands too.”

On The World Championships

Meghan Duggan is once again the captain for Team USA and Knight explains why she’s a great captain.

“I’ve had the privilege of playing with her for something like 9 years now. She’s like a sister. It’s nice to have a sister with a powerful voice you can really grab people together and inspire us to get to the next level,” Knight stated. “She’s one of those extremely vocal leaders inside and outside of our locker room.”

When I asked Knight what is the headline she’d write if she was covering the World Championships. She took a minute and said, “Going for gold…again.”

Enjoy the video and catch Hilary in the playoffs. She starts her quest for the Cup tonight.

I'm the author of 11 books. If you're looking for autographed copies just go to my Twitter @Sportsology and DM me.

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