CWA Wrestling merged with the USWA. This was huge. I think? It finally happened after a 3-4-month negotiation. I must admit. I was living in New Jersey at the time and never heard of this. It’s a 1990-time capsule.
Tag Team Championship – Jeff Jarrett and Maniac Matt Borne vs. Brian Lee and Robert Fuller w/Sylvia “The Tennessee Stud Stable”. The announcers are horrible. The color guy sounds like a bad Colonel Sanders impression half the time. Not sure who the play-by-play guy is.
The graphics are spectacularly bad. The Evansville Coliseum was the venue, the only venue being advertised for house shows.
JJ had some long-bleached hair, pre-WWE days and his promos were still good but lacked some fire. Borne had that fire.
Sylvia, dressed like Cyndi Lauper, was effective in distracting the opposition.
JJ’s finisher was spanking Sylvia? Needless to say, this wasn’t a PC federation.
I won’t give away the ending but it’s worth a watch for sure.