Brianna Musco was on a recent trip to Europe and she came home without the Coronavirus and with a lot of music, musical ideas and some public health concerns in Italy.
“When we were there were one or two cases in Scotland and a few cases in Italy (this is in February). We were fine traveling-wise, it wasn’t a big scare yet. When we left Scotland, there were more confirmed cases there and when we left Italy that’s when it kind of hit the fan,” Musco stated. “It’s crazy. Technically luck was on our side. As I’m talking to you it’s well over the 14-day grace period. When I came home my grandma is down the street and my goddaughter, I waited the 14 days to see both of them.
“When we got off the plane in Italy they took everyone’s temperature. It was kind of questionable, they did a fever check on your forehead but they never changed the pad that was on the device. It was free and I was in the clear.”
Have you ever run your own business? She’s essentially doing that, she’s her own publicity department, HR department, finance and then she has to write, sing, book studio time and hire musicians so she can record and tour. It can sound exhausting and yet she’s managing just fine.
“It costs a shit ton of money to fly a band to shows.”
As a foodie, she was in heaven.
“The food, on the other hand, was insane. You already know when you hit Italy, Portugal where the food is amazing and inexpensive, the food was very, very, complimentary,” she laughed. “I only ate gelato in Italy. I have loyalty only to Eduardo’s there. When I studied there, I spent all my money there. I ate nine cones in a span of 40 hours and I would do it again without hesitation.”
She feels great about the music she created on her journey.
“So I’ve been working with Nick and he’s really good and he’s an engineer as well as the lead singer of his band,” she revealed. “Nowadays you can converse with people via email and send over tracks. You don’t even have to be in the same room with them. I was only a quick hour train ride from his studio so I did go and meet up with him. Unfortunately, he had tonsillitis and couldn’t really sing. I will go out there again in the future and finish things up with him. I had a single ready to go, put a time stamp on it, then weeks go by and you get the masters back and it’s like ‘Nah, I can add a little more flavor here’, my producer and I always call it ‘are you gonna die on this hill?’. People that have been following us deserve the best and my guitar chops have improved since then. I’m a perfectionist and a half.”
Like most artists, she had to cancel a show in April. It was a big LiveNation show, her first with them, in NYC, so now her plans are a bit up in the air like most are. At some point she’s going to be ready to release all of this.
“I want to offer a content video and possibly a lyric video with the single because people have been patiently waiting,” said Musco. She likes her videos imperfect but then she started to tell me about athletes she feels are perfect.
“Let’s talk hockey, I mean Mark Messier. The captain of all captains. He’s my dad’s favorite player of all-time. For baseball, it’s Derek Jeter.”
When I mentioned that he’s not revered in South Florida, she snapped back with, “Well if someone has money to buy any team, it wouldn’t be your beloved Mets.
Since this interview, Noah Syndergaard has gone down with a bad UCL that will require Tommy John surgery. But she then said why she likes Citi Field.
“The tickets are cheap so I will go with my friends a few times a year. We tailgate and it’s a good afternoon out.”
I did invite her to see a game in Philadelphia and she’s all in.
“My bucket list is to go to every major league ballpark and you know I wouldn’t mind looking at Bryce Harper for a couple of hours.”
We are BOTH hoping there will be baseball this year.
Brianna is a Jersey girl through and through. If you say anything against New Jersey, she starts to crack back.
She’s hoping to still play some acoustic dates when the current pandemic is no longer one.
“I love the challenge. My biggest thing is you can always tell a good song when it’s stripped down and it still sounds good,” Musco said with some excitement in her voice. “I started playing acoustic just by myself. I love that. When you succeed you’re like ‘yeah, that just happened’. She’s still hoping to play this 45-minute set and I for one can’t wait to see it.”
Here’s a sample of what she can do: