I like reviewing technology products and items that can improve your health. It’s important to me. So, I was all in when the Water H people asked me to try out their smart water bottle. This is a well-made bottle. It’s heavy, and it has cushioning on the bottom where the
Tag: water
Nirvana Water With HMB Tastes Great
Glasstic Water Bottle Review
H Factor Water Product Review
H Factor is water infused with hydrogen. It’s supposed to reduce inflammation, after exercise, and increase athletic performance. I thought the taste was good and the bottle is great to have with you on the go! Once you open the bottle you have to drink the contents in a reasonable amount
Review: Volvic Water Has Potential
Volvic water is a good tasting water. The benefit is the minerals you are supposed to gain from it as it gets filtered through six layers of volcanic rock. I used this during a softball game and got good results. Will I drink it again to try and get good